Our Centre offers a fully equipped Crèche service, where our friendly experienced and qualified staff can care for your children, allowing parents to feel confident that their children are safe, while participating in one of the Centre’s activities or programs.
It is recommended that children attending the crèche for the first time, are accompanied with their parents for a settling in period. Our crèche team will be able to discuss this further with you when you attend the centre.

Parent/Guardian Information
Welcome to our crèche service!
To ensure we provide a safe and happy crèche environment for you and your child, we ask you to note the following information. Enquiries can be made with the ALAC Crèche team.
Monday - Saturday 9am -12noon
- Free for all 12 month Full Access and Gym/Group Fitness members
- 0-75 minutes - $5.00
- 75-180 minutes $9.00
- Parents are to remain within the building or facility at all times and must be able to attend to their child’s needs if required.
- If a child is upset, needs feeding, needs to go to the toilet or have their nappy changed and crèche staff are unable to attend to their needs in a timely manner, the parent will be asked to return to the crèche.
- Parents must immediately return to the crèche to attend to their child if requested to do so by crèche staff.
- Parents are currently required to book children into the crèche. Spaces may be limited.
- Parents are required to directly supervise their children before and after crèche attendance times.
What to bring
- A healthy snack and drink; fruit sandwich or water bottle
- A favourite comfort item - while all care is taken staff cannot accept responsibility for personal items.
- Wide-brimmed hat or legionnaire cap and sunscreen for outside play
- A change of clothes in case of an accident
- Spare nappies- preferable disposable nappies.
Note: Please ensure all children’s belongings are clearly labelled with their name.
What NOT to bring
- Food products containing nuts, eggs or sugar
- Any electrical devices i.e. Laptops, Ipads, phones
What to do
- Complete a Child & Medical information Form.
- Bring a copy of your child's immunization record for the creche staff to sight.
- Sign in your child on the attendance register with your exact whereabouts.
- Attend your activity, appointment or exercise class.
- Sign out your child on the attendance register when you collect your child.
- Children cannot attend the crèche when they are sick.
- Children will be returned to parents immediately if they become sick during their attendance at the crèche.
- Medication cannot be administered to your child by crèche staff.
We hope you and your child enjoy our crèche. If you have any queries please talk to our friendly crèche staff or call us on (08) 6820 3400