Adult Programs

Online enrolment important information:

Note: Online enrolments are best done on laptop or desktop computer.

Follow the link and select your class by clicking ‘BOOK’.

You will then be prompted to login to your ALAC online account, or register.

If you have enrolled in ALAC swim school previously, use your existing username and password to login. If you’ve forgotten, or don’t know your password click ‘forgotten username/password’ to reset.

Otherwise, click register to fill out your details and continue through to our login page.

Select the class you’d like to enroll in by clicking ‘Book’ and then click ‘New Student’ to fill out the participants name.

Then ‘Add to cart’ and continue through to the payment screen.

Click here to enrol online


French Classes

Spanish Class

Djembe Drumming



You can register your interest in future programs here

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